名古屋 美容整形若返り Cataclysm Priest Preview 2 | N.K.W.W.H.I.T.F!!!!

Cataclysm Priest Preview 2

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Inner Fire / Inner Will
Neither Inner Fire nor Inner Will has charges. The decision is on which armor you want up at the time.

The movement speed from Inner Will stacks with the boot speed bonus. It won’t stack with some movement buffs like say Body and Soul.
inner fireもinner willもcharge無しで。
Inner Willのmovement buffはboot speed borunsとstackする。body & soulのようなmovemend buffとはstackしない。
→やっとか...mage/lockの見たいになるのかね。dispelもされないようになればいいけれど。Speed "boruns"っておそらく猫のspeedが早いのとか?dashやenchant系とは無理か...。

We know a lot of people are looking for answers about Lightwell. We're reviewing the talent and spell functionality, but do not have any details to share as of yet regarding its future.

Mind Spike
The idea behind Mind Spike is that you can't always settle into your normal, and high-ramp up rotation. It's also useful when you have to move or get school locked.
We've seen some confusion about Mind Spike. The intention is that you can’t always get your full DoTs up on a target in time before it’s dead. Shadow priests sometimes aren’t sure what to do on, for example, a fight where a boss suddenly spawns an add that you’re supposed to quickly burn down and then go back to the main boss. Mind Spike is what you do to that add. As a rule of thumb, if it’s going to die in under 15 seconds, then go with Mind Spike. Otherwise get your DoTs up and go into your longer rotation.
MSpはローテーションに組み込むんじゃなくて、移動しなきゃいけない時/school lockされた時に使うよう想定しているからね。
Full DOTを入れる前にtargetが死ぬような場合、例えばBossがaddをpopさせて、急いでtarget changeでadd kill、その後すぐBoss DPSに戻るような場合に使うんだ。
15秒以内にaddが死ぬようならMSp、死なないならFull DoTいれてのローテーション、みたいなね。

Power Word: Barrier
The closest analogue to PW:B is the DK Anti-Magic Zone, but it has some important differences, such as a way to counter it in PvP (since it absorbs all damage, not just magical damage).
→結局Cast timeとCD次第だと思うけど。instantじゃなきゃ相当使い方限定されそうだし。

Holy - Chakra
The idea behind the Holy "cast three in a row" talent (it's called "Chakra") is that we've always positioned Holy as a versatile healer. This talent lets you shift into different modes. If you need to be a tank healer, cast three single target heals and your single-target healing is now better. Cast three area heals, and you can be a temporarily specialized group healer. We're going to try to play this mechanic up with a cool UI to try to get that "I'm almost in the zone" feel. We'll let it apply to as many types of spells as we can, perhaps even Smite for those times when nobody's taking damage.
Chakraと呼ばれる"Cast thee in a row"talentのideaはholyの万能性を元にしてる。このtalentはpriestを違ったmodeに移行させる。例えばtank healをしている場合、3回single target healを使うとsingle targetのhealがさらに良くなる。AoE healを3回使えば、一時的にgroup healに特化する。
この仕組みをcoolなUIと一緒に楽しませるよ。"I'm almost in the zone"な感覚になれるようにね。(超適当)

We pulled Misery because we are pulling every group benefit that improves hit. It's annoying to have to swap your gear in and out depending on who shows up for your group. In general we're going to push even harder in Cataclysm for bringing people you like to play with, not bringing people who have awesome buffs. The answer to almost every question of "But why would they bring me?" should be "Because you know what the hell you're doing."

DoT clipping
Preventing dot clipping is something we want to do in general. It obviously benefits Shadow priests just as much as warlocks.
DoT clippingの軽減はなんとかしたいと思ってるよ。SpriはWarlockバリに恩恵を受けるはずさ。
→DoT clippingが? たぶんDoTがDispelされることに関してだと思うけれど。

Healing reduction effects in Cataclysm
"All equivalent debuffs" means if you have the debuff today, you will have it in Cataclysm, but at 20% healing received. To avoid further confusion, we are talking about Mortal Strike, Furious Strikes, Wound Poison, Aimed Shot, Permafrost and Improved Mind Blast.
We are also strongly considering having all of these effect cause the same debuff, called Mortal Wounds, which is a physical effect and therefore undispellable. This allows the behavior to be more consistent regardless of who is applying it and lets us consider things like how easy it should be to dispel poisons (since Mortal Wounds would not be affected).

Heals will be smaller and health pools will be larger in Cataclysm, so we don't expect Mortal Wounds to feel as mandatory as it does today, but this is clearly the kind of thing that will require a lot of playtesting and feedback.
上のやつ全部を同じdefuffにしたいと考えてる。physicalのMortal Woundsにね。これで誰がつけてもdispel不能だからさ。
Healは少なく、Healthは多くするよ。そうすればMortal woundsが必須、って状況が減るからさ。けどこれもこれからのtestとfeedback次第だよ。